Client Success Stories

“I am so thankful that I was referred to Carmela when I was! Not sure if it was middle age, burnout, or a combination of the two, but I stopped sleeping. Carmela helped me identify what I was feeling, then re-learn to listen to my body. I love that her focus is not on weight or body image, but more on confidence and self-care. Early on with some minor shifts, I sent her a note saying, “My insides are smiling!” And now I can see very measurable improvements on my Whoop from some very simple changes in lifestyle, nutrition choices, and routines. Highly recommend!’

- Amanda S

“Working with Carmela has been an amazing experience. I thought I would just be getting someone to help hold me accountable with my nutrition but I got so much more. I’ve learned things about myself, my body, and my habits that I probably would not have without her. I’ve learned so much from Carmela including trying new foods and recipes and changing eating habits I’ve had for YEARS. I’m excited to continue on this journey with her and see where it leads me next. It’s way more than just counting calories, it is whole body wellness."

– Julia F.

“I have nothing but wonderful things to say about Radiant Holistic Health!!! Since I started working with Carmela, I’ve lost weight and have lowered both my A1C and my fasting blood glucose! I feel SO much better and am looking forward to continuing my progress toward getting off of all medications. Thank you Carmela!”

-Pat G.

Where do I begin? Sharing just one success is REALLY hard! My sleep has dramatically improved, my bowel movements are more consistent and are beginning to resemble a "perfect" poop (TMI, sorry!), my energy throughout the day is awesome (I'm able to keep up with the demands of my busy schedule, no problem!) I'm eating more and losing body fat at the same time, I'm feeling stronger during workouts (lifting heavier at the gym) and the list goes on and on! BUT, if I had to choose one of my greatest successes, I'd have to say it's how I've grown on the inside. I'm giving myself some grace and appreciating the small gains, even if it's not "PERFECT" along the way! Small, realistic goals over a longer period of time is my new approach. It's about the journey, NOT about the destination! It's a lifestyle change, NOT a diet! It's about balance and enjoying life, NOT feeling excluded or like an outsider. I'm grateful beyond words to have Coach Carmela as my MENTOR, CHEERLEADER and PERSON I can go to at any time with questions, concerns, goals, challenges, successes and support. She's started a ripple effect in the lives of so many and is proof that one person can make a difference! I'm using all of the knowledge I've learned from our work together to help inspire those around me. So Blessed!!! 

-Tracey A.

“Working with Carmela has been a very knowledgeable experience.  She has helped me to feel more confident in my food choices not only when I am home, but when I am traveling due to my boys sports schedules (and even during the holidays).  Instead of just focusing on counting macros, she has taught me to create a balanced plate and this has helped make eating healthy a lot easier for me and less stressful.  Changes that I have made along the way, with her guidance, have had a positive impact in not only the number I see on the scale, but in how my clothes feel, and most importantly how I feel overall.  I have my energy back now that I was lacking at the gym or in the afternoons at work.  My journey has been a very positive one and Carmela continues to help when I have questions pop up over time.”

-Nicole K.